
DecolonizAI is a pilot platform that aims to contribute to the debate of human interaction with technologies from a decolonial perspective. 

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Decolonizing AI, Decolonizing Knowledge: Interview with Lewis Gordon – Part 1

Lewis Gordon is an American philosopher at the University of Connecticut who works in the areas of African philosophy, existentialism, phenomenology, social and political theory, postcolonial thought, theories of race and racism, liberation philosophies, aesthetics, philosophy of education, and philosophy of religion, and talks with Elen Nas about the decolonization of AI and education.

Listen to the podcast

English transcription


The process of decolonizing knowledge and technologies begins by decentralizing and including a greater diversity of experiences and perspectives in the process of knowledge construction. Therefore, we invite you to build new futures with us.

What are your visions for the future?

Decoloniality under construction

Perspectives related to the deviations presented in current algorithmic interaction that result in misogyny, extremism, racism, and biases in decision making.

Our projects
